Come along for the Ride!

I am so glad you are here. Stay with us as we travel everywhere. I hope you will enjoy the ride.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Headed East

On Monday we got a load that was picking up in Southeastern PA and going to New Jersey. It picked up in the evening so I drove us there while Pops tried to get some sleep.
We knew we were picking up glass and we guessed that it was windshields that we were hauling. But once we got there I noticed a really peculiar smell in the air. And when Pops came back out he informed me that we were hauling a load of bulletproof glass.
The load had labels all over it warning us that it was "fragile." We just wondered how good the quality of fragile bulletproof glass was. Lol
Then we were on our way. Pops was driving and I went to bed.
Our delivery was easy and we wondered if we should go home from here or try for another load. We were offered a load of explosives that paid pretty well and still delivered in New Jersey for the next day. We figured we wouldn't be any further away than we were right now and we would have a little money in the bank to pay bills, so we took the load.
We drove to our pickup location and had the rest of the day and all night to relax. Our pickup was scheduled for morning.
We rested well.
The next morning because of the nature of our load we had 3 checkpoints to get through before we were finally led to our pickup location. We got our load on and then I drove us to our delivery.
It was a little less complicated to get the load off and then we headed to Allentown for our layover. We hung out there for a couple of hours until our company harassed us to go out of service because we were declining loads, so we did. And then we drove home.
We got home around midnight and rather than go into the house and disturb Bill and Starla, we slept in the truck that night.
I felt so good and much more relaxed now.

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