Come along for the Ride!

I am so glad you are here. Stay with us as we travel everywhere. I hope you will enjoy the ride.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


The rest of the evening on Thursday was kind of somber. Pops spent a lot of time in the bedroom. It was hard to know what to say to try to make him feel better so nobody said much at all.
And I think Pops and I were both afraid to get too hopeful, after the ups and downs we have been through over the past 10 weeks. He did manage to squeeze out a few drops on his own but had to use the straight catheter at least 2 times.
Friday was just more of the same. Again he stayed upstairs a lot. Starla and I just sat around watching TV and being quiet.
When Bill got off work that evening he had Hunter with him. The girls would be coming later on in the evening. It was a little more going on now that Hunter was here. We got all caught up with him and his sports and friends and school.
The girls came then around 9:30. So we spent some time talking with them before everyone went to bed.
Starla and I got up early Saturday morning. We were meeting some of our good friends for breakfast. Our usual place to meet is Missy's Restaurant in Meyersdale, PA. When we got there Carol and Ruth and Ruth's sister, Ann were already there. Margo hadn't arrived yet, but she was coming straight from her night shift job as a registered nurse.
We didn't get our usual table and it felt a little strange to not be at a round table, but it would do.
Carol had Valentine gifts and cards for each of us. She is always so thoughtful and caring.
We had such a good visit just chatting and catching up with each other. This was the first time that Ann joined us and it was so nice getting to know her a little better too. I sure hope she becomes a regular when we meet.
Carol's husband, Ron, had passed away recently. She is now going through all the tedious tasks of taking care of closing accounts or changing information on accounts and so on and so forth. I'm sure it is quite overwhelming and trying to do all that while you are grieving has to be an awful distraction. We listened to hear talk about Ronnie and how the dog, Hunter, is adjusting to having her as his master. We listened as she talked about Ronnie's last days in the hospital and some of what her and the her boys and family endured. My heart goes out to her and the family. We love you, Carol and we know that although you will never stop missing him, we know that you will be able to talk and share fond memories and those memories will bring you comfort instead of pain.
Ruth told us about her job search. She has a job in mind that sounds like one thing that I think she would be so good at doing.
I loved when Ruth and I worked together in the past. We seemed to work so well together and we had such a good system that unless something unforeseen happened we could work like a well oiled machine and be done in enough time to be able to sit with our end of the day paperwork with a cup of tea and a bowl of cheese curls.
We talked to Ann about some food preferences that she picked up during the time she and Ruth worked in the state of Arkansas. I love Arkansas and I love talking about food.
Starla filled the women in on what is going on with her health issues.
And of course I had a few travel stories to share.
Margo never did show and I could tell that all of us were more than a little bit worried wondering why.
We finished eating but was in no big hurry to leave. We lingered over more coffee and tea and then when we were quite satisfied that we were all caught up, we hugged each other, paid our bills and then went our separate ways.
These ladies mean the world to me. If we were in a group of 20-25 women and someone said, "pick out the 5 best friends" I really doubt that anyone would even match up 2 of us. To look at us you would probably wonder what any of us have in common, but I love these women with a love so deep and thick that it feels alive. And I know without a doubt that each of them feel the same way. It is a true, rich love. The kind that is spoke about in 1 Corinthians chapter 13. There is nothing fake, phony or superficial about our feelings for each other.
It is always sad for the first few minutes after I drive away from them.
The rest of Saturday was slow and quiet.
Bill, Starla and the kids went away. Pops and I just enjoyed the quiet time being at home.
Later that evening we feasted on a roaster full of ham, green beans and potatoes. And then we watched a movie until bedtime.
Pops had had only a little success today as well. Baby steps!

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