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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sweet Tea

You can't post southern recipes without including the number one southern favorite thing...Sweet tea.
So here it is.

Sweet Tea
On a hot summer day nothing tastes better than a glass of sweet tea.
A lot of Southerners feel the same way about sweet tea, but Grelen said it best: "Sweet tea embodies all that is good about the South and its hospitality."
2 quarts water
6 regular-size tea bags
1 regular-size orange spice-flavored tea bag
¾ cup sugar
Bring 1 quart of the water just to a boil in a tea kettle. Place the tea bags in a 4-quart container. Pour the hot water over the tea bags and allow to steep for 5 minutes. Place thhe sugar in a 2-quart pitcher. Add the hot tea and stir until the sugar dissolves. Fill the pitcher with 1 quart of cold water and stir.
Makes 2 quarts.

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