Come along for the Ride!

I am so glad you are here. Stay with us as we travel everywhere. I hope you will enjoy the ride.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Pops and I searched the church directory yesterday looking for a church to attend today. There were several not too far from us so we had options. Well, we didn't want anything too big or too small. We prefer churches of around 100. I called the phone number for one of them and a man answered. I explained our situation and asked him the times of their services and he said, "I don't know."
"Oh," I said, "Well, how can I find out?"
He said, "I don't know, I'm the preacher's kid and he's not here."
"Ok, is there a better time I could call?" I asked.
"Yeah, tomorrow." And he hung up.
Well, if the preacher's kid don't know what time the service is, I'm not interested in that church.
So we called the next one and got the service times, directions and "Yes, we have room for your truck in our parking lot. We have member who drives for...well, I won't tell you who he drives for, but yes, you can park your truck here." So, that settled it we were going there.
It was a good choice although almost everyone there left us know that they were loyal fans of "The Big Brown Truck." hahaha We won't hold that against them.
We went to Sunday School and had a lesson on "When God gives us a detour." It was very interesting. Sometimes it is hard to understand why our life isn't exactly the way it would be if it was how we wanted it to be. Sometimes we don't understand our circumstances until on down the road and maybe we never will. But we do need to realize and accept that God is always in control.
After Sunday School we went to the auditorium for worship service. It was a mix of contemporary and traditional music, like we do at Wills Mt. And then the preacher, David Wilson, gave a sermon, part 1 of 3 concerning God's gifts to man. Today was about God's greatest gift of His Son. The scripture he used was John 3:16. I never thought it before when quoting that verse that God SO loved us. I understand that God loves us, but He SO loves us. That implies an immense, intense love. Wow!
After the services David and his wife asked us to go with them out to eat. We went to Fudruckers. I love that restuarant and their aren't any near our home, so I was glad to go and they even footed the bill. We really enjoyed getting to know them. his wife is an avid deer hunter. She has shot 4 deer this year so far. Her nickname is Annie Oakley. She was going hunting again this evening, to shoot her brother a deer.
When they brought us back to our truck, David told us to remember that now we have a home church in Spartanburg, SC. Wasn't that a nice thing to say?
I do really like the southern hospitality.

1 comment:

Jeff's Journal said...

don't get any ideas about going