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Monday, May 6, 2013

Hickory Valley Christian Church

Pops and I visited the HVCC this morning in Chattanooga, TN. We backed in front of their dumpster to try and be out of the way as much as possible. When it was time we went inside and was directed to Sunday School by a young lady.
Everyone was very warm and friendly, especially all of the Bills. There were 4 of them in Sunday school and we were told more upstairs.
David lead our class discussion following a video presentation. It is a series called Staying in Love. It is about relationships. It was very interesting.
After class we went upstairs to the auditorium.
We sat next to a man named Dale. He wanted to be Facebook friends. I love it.
The singing was awesome, just amazing and then there was a song done by the bell choir. I really loved that.
After communion Bob Russell got up to speak. I knew it was going to be good and I wasn't disappointed at all. He gave a very simple talk called, "Why I love the Church." Pops and I both took notes.
You know, he is a very well known man. He is retired from a church with 18,000 members. He speaks everywhere. And yet he was seemed very humble and never boasted of any of his own accomplishments. He talked a lot about the small church his parents attended in Meadville, PA in 1941, before he was even born. He told us about some of the influence that this small assembly had that has reached all over the world, by becoming missionaries or their children becoming preachers, speakers or missionaries.
You know, we all are an example and an influence everyday. We need to be making a difference in this world.
I was so glad that we got to be here today. I am excited about new Facebook friends. The Lord's church is still a mighty force.
I'm in the Lord's Army. Yes, Sir!

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