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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Week before Vacation

We spent the weekend in Tampa, Florida. We had a pickup there on Monday afternoon. It was very hot and humid. We could barely get out of the truck.
Monday morning we got our groceries then we went for haircuts. After that we drove across Tampa Bay to St. Petersburg for our pickup. It was easy to find and loaded quickly and just like that, we were headed to Fort Worth, TX. 
It rained and rained for most of Monday evening and all through the night. I drove first then slept while Pops drove. We were at the welcome center in Texas when I woke up. The sun was shining and it was so good to breathe the Texas air. 

Tuesday was our grandson, Zachary's birthday. Wednesday was mine. 
After our Ft Worth delivery we drove toward Waco for a Wednesday pickup. On the way we stopped at our favorite Texas grocery store, HEB. That is short for Herb's Everyday Bargains. They are mostly in the San Antonio and Austin areas but are beginning to expand into other parts of Texas. All their produce is so very fresh, they have an excellent, top notch bakery, where they baked from scratch, not thaw and serve.
Their deli is amazing too. And there are so many Mexican food items to try. I picked up a couple of slices of tres leche cake (my favorite) since it was my birthday. I really like the vanilla, but this time they also had pumpkin spice so we bought a slice of that too. It is a made from scratch cake with a topping of heavy cream whipped up into creamy frosting. Then 3 milks, tres leche, are poured over the cake and allowed to stand until the cake absorbs the milks. Yummy.
We bought several pints of berries too. The blackberries and raspberries were only $.77 a pint. 
I also bought another favorite, bunuelos. This is tortillas cut into triangles, then fried, then sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. They are so good. I know it sounds like we really indulged, and we actually did, but we don't get to Texas often anymore.

We picked up at Ft Hood and were taking a load to PA. We were so very thankful for this load because it delivered Friday then we just drove home for the start of our two week vacation. 
Pops is going to the deer camp in Ohio and I have most of my days filled with visiting friends and relatives. 
We attended our home church of Wills Mountain Church of Christ this morning. We were surprised to see that our friend, Mike Mitchell was there with his family. And he was our guest speaker today. 
It was so good to be home and be with our church family. 
Pops left after church and I am relaxing and chatting with my accountability manager on the Internet. Lol, thank you, Keenan Goosman. Enjoy.

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