Come along for the Ride!

I am so glad you are here. Stay with us as we travel everywhere. I hope you will enjoy the ride.

Thursday, December 18, 2014


The first picture is in Maine, the rest are Vermont.

After our Boston trip we had a delivery in Maine. I love that drive. It is so pretty up there especially the Portland area. Of course, we always watch and hope to see a moose. I really want to see one so bad. But we didn't.
Then we got a trip going from Maine to Burlington, VT. So we took every rural road for 300 miles to get there. Every 10 miles or so we would see signs warning us to watch out for moose on the roadway. But we didn't see any. 
The White mountains of New Hampshire are so big and it is so scenic. I really enjoyed the drive.
After delivering there this morning we got a trip coming back to Harrisburg, PA so we drove south through Vermont and then around the southern end of Lake Champlain into New York State. That drive is a lot of farmland and charming little towns. It would be such a great vacation experience to drive around that lake and stop at all the little country stores and shopping places. Well, maybe one day.

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