We came home for our family camp this week. Pops and Bill P. went to the campgrounds for some final touchups in the morning and was to be home by noon, but they never came home all day.
There is no phone at the campground and also no cell phone service so I could not reach them. So I just waited around.
My sister Amy called me and she needed to go to the campgrounds also and she wasn't sure of how to get there so she came here to the house and I drove her down.
I found out that a whole lot of additional work had to be done this day or the camp ground association would charge us a large fee to use the campgrounds. So some of the men decided to stay and get it all done.
It was late until we got home and the kids and everyone was worn out.
Sunday I was excited because I was so anxious to get to see all of my church friends. We were having a guest speaker, Joe Guthrie, today and I love Joe so this was starting out to be a good day.
I got to church by 8:00am so that I could take part in the First Place Meeting. This is a small group of women that meet together one hour before regular services. We have a study that we work on individually throughout the week and then discuss it together on Sundays.
Over the years the women in this group have bonded and we have become very close to each other.
After this we went into the auditorium for Sunday school. This time it was being taught by Jeff.
Jeff, my good friend, is having a lot of medical problems right now and is in need of much prayer, but he still serves the Lord with his talent of teaching whenever he can.
Joe preached a great sermon. He got us ready for the week of camp meeting. I am so excited.
We went home after church to prepare for the kickoff picnic for our camp, and then returned to the campgrounds a little later in the day.
Pops' son, Frankie, and his family came over to the picnic and it was so good to see them. I love it when we get to visit with them.
Some of the preachers and speakers for camp meeting were beginning to roll in with their campers and tents and it was starting to look good.
We had over a hundred people attend the picnic and the evening services of camp meeting. I love seeing and catching up with friends that I haven't seen in awhile, some of them since last year at this time.
After the picnic the evening got started with some singing and then Bob Long, Neil Gilliland, and Raymond Bennett each brought us a sermon.
After the sermons I checked to see if anything was needed as far as supplies and found out that I would have to make a Walmart run before coming the next day. So Pops and I decided to go now instead of early in the morning.
By the time we got home and got settled down it was close to 1:00am before we got to bed.
The next morning we had to be at the campgrounds by 10:00 because I was leading a women' s session each morning at 10:30.
I was a little worried about my sessions because I haven't taught any lessons in about a year. And since this was such a busy, time filled week I was wondering when I would find time to review and prepare.
So on Monday I wasn't sure how it was going to go. I was given an hour in the schedule. And on Monday I used 58 minutes for my lesson. Whew, that was cutting it close.
The men also had a men's session at the same time in another area of the campgrounds. It was being taught by Neil Gilliland.
At 12:30 each afternoon there was an hour long music session brought to us by Marvin Whiteman. Marv is blind. He has been all his life but he doesn't let it get him down. He has a wonderful sense of humor and is so good with all styles of music and he is loved by everyone.
The speakers for Monday were: Chad Fatula from Wills Mt., Timmy Phillips, Joe Guthrie, Dan Hughes, and Bob Chambers.
Supper was sponsored by Roof Garden Christian Church and it was barbecued chicken, cole slaw, beans, and rolls and then of course we had a variety of pies and desserts prepared by Mary Shaffer, a fantastic cook and baker from Wills Mt. Church of Christ.
Tuesday morning I had to get up really early because I had an appointment with the chiropractor before we even went to the campgrounds.
Then we went to the campgrounds and I got there just in time to get set up for my teaching session. I was being recorded so I had to wear a headset. By the time I got it picked up and put on and made my way to the dining hall it was time to start teaching.
Again we had music by Marv, then the afternoon speakers were David Shively, Bob Long, and Bob Chambers.
During the lunch break I drove a friend to Walmart so that she could pick up some items she needed and I restocked some of the kitchen supplies that were running low.
Supper on Tuesday was sponsored by Central City Christian Church and it was spaghetti, salad, garlic bread and rolls. And of course, desserts by Mary.
The evening speakers were: Joe Guthrie, Daniel Davenport, and David Jones.
Everyone seemed to having a wonderful time, but I was really feeling the effects of too much going on and being busy and also too little sleep. I only got 2 1/2 hours sleep this night. I was going to have a rough day.
I taught my morning lesson and then Pops and I wanted to take his brother, Buck and his wife, Sandy, to lunch. Since not a lot of time is allotted we just decided to go downtown to the Hornets Nest.
It was a good choice to eat there. Everything was good. We were joined by a brand new friend, Larry. He had heard about our campmeeting from someone and wanted to come. He is from Ohio and traveled here and was staying at a hotel in Cumberland for the week. He is a very nice man and it was good getting to know him.
The afternoon speakers were: Randy Reynolds,
Mark Billiter,and Rob Grandi. I missed Rob's sermon though because I was so tired that I went to my car and fell asleep in the backseat. I was awakened about an hour later by my sister. She was here because her church, Laurel Highlands Church of Christ was hosting this evenings meal. They brought homemade chicken potpies, cole slaw and cake. It was good and it gave the ladies from Wills Mt. a nice break from all the work.
This evening we were very fortunate to hear a concert by Art Bush and Rob Grandi. After the concert, my sister had to leave so I hugged her tightly goodbye. I am going to miss her so much. I gave her copies of the three lessons that had already been recorded of my lesson. She gave me a couple of little gifts also. I love her so much.
The evening speakers were: Art Bush and Buck Ryan.
I cannot believe we only had one more day of camp left.
Traditionally the last day of Camp as many of the speakers and their families that can, get together for breakfast and usually we go to Hobo's Restaurant, but this year we decided to go to the Hornets Nest since it was right in town and they agreed to set up a buffet for our group.
There ended up being about 30 of us there that morning. We had a good time of fellowship with each other.
My lesson this morning was long when I practiced it so I trimmed it down and tried to shorten it without losing the major content. I did manage to keep it within the time permitted.
The speakers for this day were: Daniel Davenport, David Jones, Doug Conley, Wayne Jocelyn, Timmy Phillips, and Mark Billiter.
The supper tonight was brought by the Harvester's Class of Will Mt. They served Roast Beef, Mashed potatoes, corn, rolls and gravy, and desserts. It was so good. Everyone thought so. Thank you so much ladies for all of your hard work and preparations for the food for this week. You outdid yourselves.
After all of the services for the evening we went to the Wills Mt. Church of Christ for a baptism. JT Carter was being baptized by Mike Mitchell. Mike is the youth leader at our camp
, along with his wife Liz.
JT has been thinking about baptism lately. He told me the last time Pops and I were home that he was almost ready. Our preacher, Chad Fatula, has been talking to him and helping him to understand too.
It was a good ending to our Camp meeting.
And now it was time to say goodbye to everyone. I always hate this part. I become so close to everyone throughout the week and it is hard to say goodbye. And I especially hate parting with my sisters from Wills Mt.
Pops and I were going back into service at 6am so we had to say goodbye to everyone.
When we got home that night, Pops, Starla and I sorted through all of the money from Camp meeting. Pops is the treasurer and Starla had some money from the Tshirt sale so we stayed up for a couple of hours getting that straightened up so that it could be deposited immediately.
So that was it. Another year of Preaching in the Mountains is over. This was the ninth year and each year is getting better and better. The attendance is getting better. The youth program is growing. Phil Hanze came this year to do our sound and recording of the sermons and lessons. Hehas done a fantastic job. We were so very fortunate to have him and we all hope that he becomes a regular here for us.
I am refreshed. I have so enjoyed this week even though it was at times stressful.
Now it's time to get back to work, back to reality.