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Monday, November 25, 2013

Several jaunts that we made

The Halloween zombies were in a parade at Traders Village in San Antonio, Texas. Shirley and I enjoyed a good day of visiting, walking and shopping.

At the beginning of November Pops and I went home for vacation. Then he and son in law, Bill P. Went to Ohio Hunt Camp for two weeks.

On my birthday the kids and I had an awesome day in West Virginia. We rode horses to the top of Seneca Rocks, visited Blackwater Falls and ate supper at Castiglia's in Keyser. It was a great day! I didn't even mind adding another number to my birthday.

Bill P. Sent this picture of a sunrise from his hunting stand. And then on the last day, he got his trophy buck.

This is lunch with our good friends, Ginny Logsdon and Coletta Miller.

This is breakfast with good friends from our former place of employment.

More pictures from the birthday trip.

Once we got back to work, we jumped right into it with several big trips. 
Tumble weeds in Oklahoma

It was great to get to Montana. This is the last of the continuous states for us. Maybe someday we will get a trip to Alaska, but they are so very rare for FedEx.

This is elk that I managed to get a picture of while driving. He was pretty big.

We saw 100's of antelope.

Doesn't it look like a train wreck about to happen?

Then of course, our favorite. We spent the Thanksgiving holiday in Houston. I cooked a turkey dinner in our truck. 

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